Jungle Powders

Jungle Powders Fadogia Agrestis Extract for Men 50:1 Concentration, 313 Servings

  • Natural Performance Support - Fadogia Agrestis Powder, native to Africa, is a centuries old natural supplement that may support your performance by improving energy levels in your body. Powerful natural compounds work together to enhance physical performance, including endurance, strength, and stamina.
  • Supports a Healthy Mind - This popular Nigerian plant may support mind clarity, improve mood, and enhance cognitive function. Herbal Fadogia Agrestis can help you stay focused and alert throughout the day.
  • Powders Beat Capsules - Unlike capsules, which can take a long time to dissolve and be absorbed by the body, Fadogia Agrestis Powder is a more effective and efficient delivery system. Powder form ensures faster absorption and availability of active compounds, which means you'll feel the effects more quickly.
  • Sourced from Nature - We use only high-quality, natural ingredients which have undergone rigorous testing to ensure its potency and purity. No additives, preservatives, GMO free, gluten free, soy-free. Keep in mind that Fadogia Agrestis extract for men has distinctly strong, earthy taste which most people obviously are not fond of.
  • 10 Month Supply - Our Fadogia Agrestis supplement comes in a large 10-month supply, so you won't have to worry about running out anytime soon. This also ensures that you can continue to experience the benefits of this natural supplement without any interruption.